Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Eggs Benedict

We had a bit of Hollandaise sauce left over from another recipe and decided to put it to good use in this tasty breakfast treat.


2 slices of rustic bread
2 eggs
3 cups spinach
1 small tomato
3-4 tablespoons Hollandaise Sauce (click here for recipe from an earlier post)

Bring water to a boil in a small pot. Break the eggs and gently drop into the boiling water. Cook for about 1 minute - the yolk should be still runny. In the meantime wash and steam the spinach for 1-2 minutes until just wilted. Slice the tomato into thin slices and lightly toast the bread. To assemble, place the pieces of toast on two plates, spoon the spinach on top and add the tomato slices. Put the poached eggs over the tomato and drizzle with the Hollandaise sauce. Simple, pretty to look at and delicious!

Serves 2

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